Saturday, May 31, 2008


Well Delhi has to be it. The city that I'd call home. I was born here. Spent some of the most interesting years of my childhood here. Did most of my studies in places I never imagined I'd live (Gwalior, Ludhiana)... but am completing my studies in ... dear old Dilli.
Chandni puts the first few years so well. Reading her post brought back memories so vivid, that sitting right here in the children's room, (on the lower half of what was our bunk bed...) I can see a curly haired brat grinning mischievously and prancing about on the pouf (I ALWAYS thought it was poof), I can hear Amma calling out to us for our headbaths, and smell cloyingly sweet Lakme Satin Rinse shampoo (I loved the rounded cap of the shampoo bottle)... As these images and whiffs hit me, I remember more.... compasses and colour pencils, my jaundice days painted yellow, walks in Eucalyptus park, evening games in the compund with crazy kids , much awaited visits to CP.... (Nirula's), Golden Dragon....
Fast forward to the present. Three years at Pusa. The three years that taught me so much. The gigantic Arjan trees, my drab hostel... with a name I (for some odd reason )always hated to spell out in public - Mandakini and now rechristened a rather unimaginative Varsha..just to add to the kitty of seasons the boys' hostels are named after.. Hemant, Vasant, Shishir. NBPGR.. my days at Lab E 206 and the days at Lab E 202. I learnt, taught, laughed, and cried so much that looking back, I don't know which if them I did the most.
The current phase in my Delhi Diaries is pleasant. Fed up of my hostel life, the oily repetitive menu in the mess and general depression (which I'm sure would have acquired massive proportions, had I decided otherwise) drove me back home. So here I am, sitting on the lower half the bunk bed right where Chandni and I had this ridiculous discussion about how when I'd be 11 she'd be 7. (And how old she's be when I'd be 13. And how old I'd be when SHE'd be 13... ad infinitum).
Living with parents for the first time is a different experience after several years with grandparents, and nearly over a decade of hostel life. I'm sure they know me better now.
I love the metro, the fact that CNG has made such a difference to the air we breathe now. I love the malls, Dilli Haat, Connaught Place, District Centre and all the places we hang out. I love Inderpuri and Krishi Kunj.. Oh yes, I love Delhi.
Delhi Daredevils lost. huh. What Daredevilry.

Monday, May 26, 2008


This is NOT the humble aperture
That lies somewhere on your posterior
Its the Agriculture Research Service Examination
Taken by scores of agri post grads across the nation
Almost every year
And takers wait in fear
For the result, that comes out some time in October
Whatever that will be... atleast the worst is OVER

Monday, May 19, 2008

'twas a tryst

twixt silver and amethyst

Friday, May 16, 2008

More leaf samples have arrived
My time I need to divide
For one week, from the lab I must hide

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

yogi bear

wow... I managed to do Supta Vajrasana today. One month of feeling scared and awkward... it happened. I got the same feeling of elation I felt when I could do Chakrasana. yippeee

It is my earnest advice to the world to do yoga... it changed me for the better. People.. pick up your mats and join Yoga class. Today.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Gunter Blobel

Gunter Blobel

won the Nobel

for something that was by no means banal

back in nineteen ninety nine.

He found that proteins had signals that enabled

them to be transported, localized and variously aligned.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

this dog of ours

dogs chase cars
and dogs chase cows
but this one dog of ours
just sleeps in the house

dogs chase cats
and dogs catch rats
but this dog of ours
just sleeps on his mat

dogs love to play
and dogs snap and bite
but this dog of ours
sleeps like a ball, curled tight

dogs are hairy
and dogs are furry
but this dog of ours
is just.. imaginary

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

spoilt brat at the breakfast table

she breakfasted on scrambled eggs and toast

tossed in a sausage for fun

the orange juice went so well, and she enjoyed it the most

she now eyed the cheese filled sweet bun

between gulps of the frothy banana shake

she nibbled a walnut or two

sprouts were there, she had to have them for "Mummy's sake"

and pomegranates were nothing new

and mangoes, apples and melons lovingly cut

into cubes of equal sizes

She chews and munches with her mouth shut

"What a spoilt brat I am" she realizes

Monday, May 05, 2008

Four golden lessons for a scientist

  • No one knows everything. You don't have to.
  • Aim for rough water.
  • Forgive yourself for wasting time.
  • Learn something about the history of science.

These four lessons were given by Steven Weinberg, a Nobel winning physicist. Read the Full essay.

Well, I believe in rule no. 3 whole heartedly, and am in that state of constant self forgiveness. Ahhh such glee

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Three skinny girls

Three skinny girls sat at a coffee place
Giggling and chatting away
Three skinny girls discussed their current love-life phase
On a hot summery afternoon in May
Three skinny girls envied each other's waistlines
Teased one another, laughed and cried
Three skinny girls advised each other what to do about thinning hairlines
Ogled at passing hunks and sighed
Said one skinny to the others, "Sunday I get engaged"
Skinny 2 laughed it off, 'cos she didnt believe her
Skinny 3 flew into a rage
Skinny 1's life is in such a mess, to her it doesn't matter
The afternoon pulled along, with advice, warnings and more
They sipped mojitos and devoured tarts
Before they knew it it was dark, and time to go
As they left, they knew it was one of their meetings, last