Tuesday, December 06, 2011


kapil sibal,
when you're hungry,
what do you nibbal?
and when you're bored
what do you scribbal?


Atul Sinha said...

ha ha ha...very nice one!
your blog may be censored, though....you better watch out!

Marvin said...

This doesn't even make sense!

quintaqua said...

its not supposed to make sense! its supposed to rhyme...

girijasingh said...

i want to scribbal
but i have a doubal
who calls himself 'fibal'
his lisp is the troubal
he will burst my bubbal
and reduce me to rubbal
i will be left with nothing but my stubbal
(now..i better watch out...before i get the chappal!!!)

Periwinkle said...

love this one ...and love the fact you have continued blogging