Saturday, February 24, 2007

Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela

Rustic country bumpkins love agricultural fairs. They have gathered from different corners of the country to attend the three day Krishi Vigyan Mela at Pusa. There are plenty of food stalls and farmers flock them in large numbers once they are through with conversing with farm experts. Their noisy kids blow those squeaky-trumpety things that come with shocking pink feathers. “paaarp—squeeeeak” and out rolls a silvery chamaleon-like tongue. Egad. Anyway… smug agriculture experts display their satin badges while some meek weather beaten farmers approach them with questions about the latest pest that’s been bothering their potato or wheat. Some prosperous farmers linger around the implement stalls eying the latest tractor attachments. Some farm women are gleefully carting back mango and guava saplings while sinewy lads are lugging sacks of paddy seeds. All happy :)

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