Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Breaking out of (brackets)

Enclosed in parentheses.
Excluded, yet important
Marked, yet separate
Pertaining to, yet not in it
Ensconced between two curves
Wanting to spill out -
and spread all over the page,
Let me burst forth in abandon -
delve into the depths of evil,
and seep into the crevices of iniquitousness.
Let me wrong all right -
undo all done,
gushing, rushing..
wreaking havoc to the hilt,
till the madness ebbs
and I simmer to an eddy
that creeps, congeals and hardens -
suspended in inert abeyance on the edge of nothingness.


Chandni said...

one of the most beautiful things i'v read in a while :)

quintaqua said...

gee.. thanks hon. was in one of 'those' moods.