Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sip of Beer

I hate being prim and proper. Following the ethos... the 'done things'. Smile politely, wait till all have got their glasses, then say 'cheers' and take the traditional sip. So what if I took a sip before the hostess had poured out her glass. Well, a glare from my father jolted me out of my reverie and inadvertant sip. Sigh. The evening pulled along with the usual chit-chat. The beer did go to my head, but I felt great. Why the polite smiles? I mean, get to the point, don't be so cloyingly polite. Its ok, we're all humans, out for some eats 'n drinks. Lets eat and drink in our own way... however each feels comfortable.


Madhur Kashyap said...
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Madhur Kashyap said...

Alas! These societal norms. Sometimes I wonder about the reason why they were created? To rule or to create a better place..

and yeah there is no replacement for a drunken revelry. I hope you definitely had enjoyed it before.

quintaqua said...

to create method in the madness. but its maddening enough