Tuesday, September 27, 2011

murine cervines and cervine murines

Well, there are mouse deer, and there are deer mice
But there ain’t no douse meer, there ain’t no mere dice
Deer mice are mice with deer-like fur, while mouse deer aren’t true deer at all
Which is mousier and  which is deerier? I can't say. That’s your call


Chandni said...

All this talk of mice and deer,
is reminding me of days not so dear
when sucking on scalps amidst itching hair,
mice-like lice slurped us bare.

(Eww this is more Edgar Allen-ish bizarre than Nashesque!)

Your little poem was SUPERB. Made me grin. Mousier, deerier :D Nash would be proud I'm sure.

quintaqua said...

HAHAHA... great!! "mice-like lice slurped us bare" hilarious!